
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Iowa
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

The population of Illinois is around


1.3 million
3 million
13 million
300 000

Which US President was born in West Plain, Iowa in 1874 and served as President from 1929-1933 ?


Calvin Coolidge
Franklin D Roosevelt
Herber Hoover
Dwight D Eisenhower

Which major American river outlines most of Iowas eastern border with Wisconsin & Illinois ?


Mississippi River
De Moines River
Iowa River
Missouri River

Which major American river outlines most of Iowas western border with Nebraska ?


Mississippi River
De Moines River
Iowa River
Missouri River

Iowa is the largest US producer of which crop which is used increasingly to manufacture ethanol ?


Soy Beans

Iowa is known as the


Hawkeye State
Hoosier State
Mountain State
Buckeye State

Which 1600 mile Interstate serves Des Moines and runs from Laredo, Texas to Duluth, Muinnesota ?


Interstate 74
Interstate 29
Interstate 80
Interstate 35

Which 2900 mile Interstate serves Des Moines & runs from San Francisco to Tenneck, New Jersey ?


Interstate 74
Interstate 29
Interstate 80
Interstate 35

Which states border iowa to the North & South ?


Minnesota Missouri
Montana Nebraska
Maine Rhode Island
Mississippi North Carolina

The largest ancestral group that makes up 35% of Iowans is



Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012